The following assertions are the fundamental truths that form the foundation of the mission and work of the United American Catholic Church.
Almighty God is the divine maker of heaven and earth; God is One in the Trinity: Divine Parent, Son, and Holy Spirit; and has dominion over all things seen and unseen. God formed all humanity in God’s likeness and set them over the whole world. The Church holds true to the faith expressed in the ancient creeds set forth by the early church fathers and mothers as memorialized in the Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian creeds.
Jesus is the head of the Church, and therefore the Church is called to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission as described in the Gospel of Matthew, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.”
God’s love knows no limits; for God so loved the world that in the fullness of time God sent humankind, Jesus Christ, God’s only Son. And Jesus showed the depth of his love by opening his arms on the cross and giving his life for the salvation of the whole world.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Son of God and is God incarnate. We witness his teachings in the Gospel of Christ and endeavor to live as he lived. We know Jesus is the way for the world and we follow his example of love, holiness, ministry, healing, empathy, forgiveness, reconciliation, justice, and peace.
The core of Catholic belief derives from Jesus Christ. He is the primary source of God’s plan for redemption and salvation of the whole world, as revealed in Holy Scriptures. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. Jesus Christ’s mission is extended through Apostolic Tradition. Tradition -- the Church’s teaching, life, rites, rituals, and worship stirred by the Holy Spirit encompasses the Word of God.
Jesus Christ’s ministry and authority are extended to the Church through the apostles via Apostolic Succession – the laying-on of hands from Bishop to Bishop. In addition, Bishops further extend Church ministry and authority by sharing apostolic succession through the ordination of Deacons and Priests and providing them episcopal protection.
God’s greatest commandments are that we love God with all our heart, and our soul, and our mind; and that we love our neighbor as we love ourselves. All our values, principles, and ministry are based on these commandments.
The Church reveals the many faces of God through seven sacraments: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, and Holy Orders, for these, are God’s gifts of grace in action for all people.
The Church celebrates the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and all are welcome to God’s table in open communion to share in the sacred body and blood of Christ. Just as Jesus did not restrict who sat at his table, neither shall the Church.
The sacrament of marriage is a life-long holy union of two people of any gender, joined by God. Just as first marriages are blessed, subsequent marriages are also blessed. In cases of divorce or annulment, the Church recognizes that God’s children are fallible, and some marriages may become disordered or irreconcilable. God forgives and allows us to continue our life-journey building family.
The Church recognizes that God’s children have a responsibility in maintaining and using wisely the gifts that God has bestowed. Therefore, humanity is responsible for the stewardship of the whole world, caring for all living creatures, and protecting the environment.
The Church is a living, vibrant reflection of an ever-changing and growing universe. We are all, equally, children of God. Therefore, the Church makes its ministry and sacraments – especially the sacraments of Eucharist, Marriage, and Holy Orders – available to baptized Christians of all genders, races, orientations, cultures, and social status. We celebrate the diversity of life.
The Catholic Church is universal, of which, the United American Catholic Church is one of many parts. As a denomination of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Faith, the ministry of all members is valued, for we are the Body of Christ.