"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be." - Matthew 6:21
Between busy schedules, travel, and life’s daily demands, it can be challenging to tithe regularly as God calls us to do. The United American Catholic Church is excited to introduce our online giving portal, making it easy for laity to contribute one-time or recurring gifts securely via electronic check or debit/credit, as well as support annual appeals.
This same platform also allows UACC ministries to submit assessments, General Synod fees, and clergy license fees. Your support strengthens our mission and faith-filled community!
We’re excited to offer this easy way to give!
Choose from preset dollar amounts or create your own custom gift for one-time donations.
For recurring gifts, you can set up a donor account, making it simple to manage your contributions.
Prefer to give by mail? Checks can be sent to:
UACC Treasurer
PO Box 3270
Roanoke, VA 24015.
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How do I know my gift has been received?
In order to make an online donation or payment, you must provide a current email address. After submitting your gift, you will receive an email confirmation to the address provided.
If you selected to give a recurring gift, you will receive notification about your gift as well as information to set up your online donor account for future gift scheduling. Records of all recurring gifts are also tracked within your donor account.
Is online giving safe and secure?
The online donations and payments system meets the same security standards as online banking. Plus, your online gifts cannot be lost or stolen. So as long as you are using a secure internet connection, online gifts can have fewer risks than carrying cash and checks. And there is instant tracking and recording of all transactions.
What are the benefits?